
Showing posts from January, 2019


Heading for my yoga class after a tiring day I was quite happy. I had joined it recently. A few days had gone by but all I could see was: a big hall with pleasant still paintings, mostly of Krishna and peacocks and middle-aged auntie-uncles, trying to reach out for their toes. I opened then closed my mouth in an effort to ask sir if my age group people attended their class? Something stopped me. I was just happy to see someone ‘young(er)’. “Hi, I’m Trisha,” she said returning my grin. Only bigger. I introduced myself. On closer inspection, I saw that her eyes looked very tired and were a little baggy from the sides, at least that’s what I caught from her framed eyes. Hey, someone needed ‘calm’ more than I did. “I’m in 7th standard, what about you, what are you doing?” “I’m a software engineer in a company” I decided not to tell about the company name cause interrogation on that is the last thing I wanted. Peace, remember? “Oh, sounds great,” She said, along with whi