What you owe to yourself!

There are a bunch of things we owe to ourselves, not being intuitive about the same can cause confusion, unhappiness,  void, or a melancholic feeling.

Being in love is the greatest frequency one can vibe in. It's a feeling like no other. It's a good place to feel secure, loved, respected, and welcomed. Love of all forms and to anybody. 

Scratching the misconceptions now:
Depending on others for your happiness, can actually make you feel powerless and in a need to gain control over that person. Not so welcoming anymore. 

What you owe to yourself:

 Gather yourself, your life, and try to make yourself happy. With little moments of love for yourself. If it is so demanding, think of yourself as a separate being you would not want to hurt and you kind of like.  (Hey, the days we hate ourselves. Considering that.) Nurture them, take care of them, respect them, be easy on them, guide them, surprise them, challenge them. THEM is YOU. 

Making hair, coloring them, cooking a new dish, indulging in a long-lost interest you had once upon a time, registering in a new course, taking a new step, facing your insecurities, forgiving yourself, growing plants, etc.

The idea is to feel sufficient enough to feel loved from within. Once you're in a happy place within, then only you'll be able to truly witness love.
It has been three years since I actually understood the meaning of being grateful, showcasing gratitude in the tiniest of things. Obviously, I do forget to apply it now and then, but undoubtedly it is the most beautiful word. Gratitude. 
Thank You instead of a lousy thanks. You owe yourself to feel thankful for YOU. Your body, color, nature, beliefs. 

Make yourselves happy first!

Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash                                                               


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