Uncertainty: How to face it?

There are many incidents where one is at crossroads as to what should be done next. Next. Next- Career level, personal level, emotional level, this point hits us all at some point. 

These moments are uncertain, unsure, and scary (at least for me).
This has been happening a lot lately, mostly on the educational front, seeing others detangling their lives and making a go at it, made me take a look at my life.

Whenever I ask those de-tangled ones, they are with, but one answer- you have a sea of opportunities, which BTW is absolutely correct. But it's hard to make choices and even harder to think about their end results.

Just like that, my one dear friend approached me, there are a few conversations that can actually get you thinking. This was one of them:

 ME: "You seem to be quite chilled, aren't you scared?"
SHE: "Scared of what?"
ME: "Life, the Next step!! Everybody seems to be so sorted."
SHE: "Ohh, about that, I have to share something with you"
ME: "What?"
SHE: "My Bf might shift to Canada"
ME: "But you want to stay here in India right?"
SHE: "Yeah, but ..he wants to progress further"
*Seeing my face she continued*
SHE: "Yaar, I know what I don't want, and I'm doing what's in my hand. So rest is-"
ME: "This is scary to me and you are his Gf!!"
SHE: "Me too but, it's also quite interesting, how will events unfold. Quite thrilling if you see this way" There was a spark kind of thing in her eyes.

I went quiet for a while then did the routine conversation but on self-talking, I realized a few things about 'Next' -

  1. Most of the events are not in your control, but we do get to choose what we want and what we don't. 
  2. A new way of taking on uncertainty is as - exciting instead of scary, thrilling instead of nerve-wracking. Yeah..yea easier said than done but can be practiced.   
  3. The 'Next' has the potential to ruin the present (I have experienced) so let go. 

That's what uncertainty actually carries- potential, to do and be more. While one chooses and does his/her best it's equally important to hope for the best. Imperfections, downfalls, glitches think of all those humiliating moments, they always teach us.

Meanwhile, as I'm still confused and a bit scared, I plan on investing time, thought, and money on the things I want to do. To equip me with skills. Feels good, less- scary, and confident. 
Embrace uncertainty.


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